Thursday, December 11, 2008

He Is Not A Crook! Or Is He...?

In a recent commentary Erza Klein (associate editor at the American Prospect) reported in the Las Angeles time on the contrast between the Presidencies of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush. Mr. Klein, who also runs his own blog, shows the differences in how our current President is handling the legacy he is leaving behind and the manner in which Nixon handled his. Erza tells the readers how Americans have endured the different ways in which President’s have dealt with the hardships that have faced our country. They have trotted many a soldier to war, violated our privacy and brought our economy to ruins. Even though these qualities fall into a few presidential tenures in American history, this may be the first time that our leaders are not taking responsibility for their actions. Klein writes that by Nixon confessing “his sins,” he advocates for Americans to render him a “complete and tragic figure.” He feels that Americans need “national closure after a President has betrayed the public trust.” The fact that Bush is neither willing to admit his faults and explains “every day has been pretty joyous” is really a slap in the face to all Americans who have suffered during this regime. Instead, our former President drops the fault on “intelligence failures.” Thankfully the entire population is ready for a change and it is soon on the way. In the meanwhile, I will be waiting along with Mr. Klein and others to see if Bush will quit “hiding behind partisanship, and [admit] the failures of his Presidency.”

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